For Authors

For Authors

Each issue of Arkete is devoted to a specific theme and edited by one or more one Advisory Editors.
Authors who are interested in submitting a paper to the journal are invited to consult in advance with the Advisory Editor for the corresponding issue. Contributions may be sent as email attachments to or

The journal uses a double-blind peer review.


  1. We do not accept articles which are longer than 10,000 words, nor discussions which are longer than 4,000 words, including footnotes and references. We rarely accept purely exegetical articles, or discussions of articles originally published in other journals.
  2. Submission of a manuscript is understood to imply that the paper is original, has not already been published as a whole or in substantial part elsewhere, and is not currently under consideration by any other journal. The journal cannot consider more than one paper (excluding book reviews) at a time from any one author, whether as author or as co-author. So, until a final decision to publish or reject has been made on one paper, its author(s) will not be eligible to submit another paper for consideration.
  3. Unnecessary technicalities, unusual symbols and lengthy bibliographies should be avoided, and the content should in most cases be accessible to readers with a general philosophical background. Footnotes should be brief, and be confined as far as possible to providing bibliographic details. Submissions should be double-spaced in clear, standard print with wide margins and page numbers, on A4 or US letter paper, on one side of the paper only. If your paper is accepted, you will need to ensure that the final version meets the Arkete Style.
  4. Articles must be submitted in a form suitable for blind refereeing; personal acknowledgements should be removed. Submissions should include the author’s details in a separate document. The journal processes submitted articles anonymously: referees do not know the identity of authors; authors do not know the identity of referees; the Editors do not know the identity of authors until after the final decision on publication has been made.
    To avoid unduly protracted decision processes, it is the journal’s policy to request no more than one round of revisions after initial submission. Beyond that point, any submission will normally be either accepted or rejected outright.​
  5. We aim to provide authors with a timely response to submissions. As a result, and given increasing numbers of submissions, it is not always possible to provide authors with referee reports. Accepted papers are usually published online within a few months and appear in hard copy within about a year.

Format Guidelines for Advisory Editors and Authors

File format

Please submit papers in Microsoft Word formatted using Times typeface, 12 pt., left justified, and double spaced throughout (text and footnotes or endnotes). Please number all pages and avoid unneccessary formatting such as running heads, rules, dropcaps, etc.


Please include links to online material as text strings only. Do not submit Microsoft Word files that include coded hyperlinks.


  • Bar spaces: Always use one bar space, never two or more.
  • Indent all paragraphs. (We do not use “block” style.)
  • En dashes (–) between numbers.
  • When using em dashes (—), omit bar spaces before or after.
  • Note flags should be in Arabic numerals (never Roman) and should immediately follow punctuation.
  • Ellipses (. . .) should consist of three spaced periods, not an ellipsis font character.
  • ‘i.e.’ and ‘e.g.’ are always followed by a comma, but never italicized.
  • We prefer the serial comma: “limes, oranges, and lemons.”
  • ‘p.’ and ‘pp.’ (as abbreviations for ‘page’ and ‘pages’) are always followed by a space.
  • Personal initials are not separated by spaces.
  • ‘B.C.’ and ‘A.D.’ are small caps, set solid. ‘A.D.’ precedes, and ‘B.C.’ follows date.
  • ‘vol.’, ‘no.’, and ‘ch.’, as well as ‘n.’ (for ‘note’) are always lower-case and followed by a space.
  • Avoid hyphens where possible.
  • For internal cross references, cite section numbers rather than page numbers.

Quotation marks and punctuation

Mentioned terms or expressions are enclosed in single quotation marks with no intervening punctuation. Quotations less than three lines are enclosed in double quotation marks with punctuation placed inside (except in the cases of authors following British style, spellings, and punctuation throughout). Extended quotations should be left-indented without quotation marks.

Section Headings

Major section breaks are numbered and capitalized.  Breaks without descriptive text are in Roman numerals. Subheadings are generally flush-left, not italicized and not bold.


All submission should include abstracts (maximum of 120 words). Abstracts should not simply repeat the first paragraph of the paper, but should summarize the content and argument of the piece. Abstracts should not contain references or undefined technical terms.

 References are given in a references section at end of paper.
 In-text citations: (Osherson et al. 1990), (Baghramian 2004; Boghossian 2006); Anderson & Belnap (1968a).
 Citing specific page numbers: (Osherson et al. 1990: 53–7), Anderson & Belnap (1968a: 101).
 Journal articles:
o Format: Author surname, author initial(s) (year) ‘Article Title’, Journal Title, volume/issue: page range.
o Example: Quine, W.V.O. and N. Goodman (1946) ‘Steps Toward a Constructive Nominalism’, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 12: 97-122.
 Books
o Format: Author surname, author initial(s) (year) Book Title, edition number.
Publisher location: Publisher name.
o Example: Ayer, A. (1969) Metaphysics and Common Sense, 1st edn. London: Macmillan.
 Chapters in books: Dretske, F. (1990) ‘Perception, Believing and Knowing’, in D.N. Osherson et al. (ed.), Visual Cognition and Action, 129-148. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
 Websites: Strunk, W. (1999) The Elements of Style ([publication details, if
applicable]) accessed 14 December 2001.
 For four or more authors, list the first author and use et al.
 Page spans are elided to one digit: e.g. 176–7.